This little fisherman came in half year ago, with 0 background of Mandarin. He has picked up some Cantonese and went back to Japan. Comparing with some of other friends, he has to pay extra effort to switch track from Cantonese pronunciation system into Mandarin beyond the regular language practice. What's cool about this young gentleman is that he is always ready to express himself, without any fear of making mistakes. And he is amazingly good at gross motor motion. Whenever we play games in Chinese that he rocks. work hard play hard. Welcome on board. November Star Student- Mr. A.T.
这位小渔夫是中途插班进来的, 普通话零基础。年幼的时候曾在香港短暂生活过一段时间,这反而让他要付出比其他同学更多的努力,因为除了常规的听说读写练习,他还要实现发音系统转轨。然而他是这个班进步最快的同学之一。相比那种传统意义上的乖乖仔,他从来不犹豫发表自己的意见,不在乎犯错闹笑话。偶然发现,这个孩子身体特别灵活,在游戏中总是如鱼得水,记得很快。我们本来就不要做那种读死书的好孩子。 欢迎登记。11月明星学生-A.T先生。